Liberia’s Brussels Mission through H.E Dr. Isaac W. Nyenabo II deposited two ratified instruments on behalf

The Government of Liberia last year 2020 ratified two custom instruments, The Revised KYOTO convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of customs procedures RKc, and The Nairobi Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance for the Prevention, Investigation and Repression of Custom offenses (Nairobi Convention).  The Head of Mission, H.E Ambassador Isaac W. Nyenabo today formally notified the Secretary General that Republic of Liberia has acceded to the International Convention on the simplification and harmonization of Customs procedures, done at Kyoto 26-June-1999 and amended in 2006 as well as the Nairobi Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance, a dispatch from Brussels quoted.

During the bilateral meeting after the deposit, H.E elaborated on several issues that the KYOTO convention intends to address, transparency and predictability of custom actions, standardization and simplification of the goods declaration and supporting documents, simplified procedures for authorized persons, maximum use of information technology, minimum necessary customs control to ensure compliance with regulations amongst other things. Ambassador further lamented on the Nairobi Declaration and why it is so important with the aim at affording parties’ mutual assistance with a view of preventing, investigating and repressing customs offences and as well as share assistance by customs administration who are party to the convention.  Ambassador Nyenabo further stress H.E The President, Dr. George M. Weah continues commitment to multilateralism and collective global adherence to protocols. H.E the Ambassador informed Dr. Mikuriya that due to the current pandemic, and considering the travel restriction, a full delegation that would have included Custom Authority were unable to make full notification.

For His part, Dr. Kunio Mikuriya extended his appreciation to H.E The President of Liberia, the Legislature of Liberia and the People of Liberia for acceding to this two very important instrument. He, however thank H.E Ambassador for the formal notification and deposit, stating that the WCO enjoys good relationships with Liberia’s Mission at the EU and Liberia customs authority.  The World Custom Organization was established in 1952 as the custom Co-operation council and currently constitutes 183 custom authorities, the organization main objective is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of custom Administration, provides guidance, foster exchange information between custom administration as well as govern framework and conventions that facilitate and secure free flow of international Trade.

Liberia begin member on Jan 7th, 1975 and has since been engaged through several partnership and cooperation, ranging from, import and export traffic, Modernization and classification of tariff work, Valuation of customs infrastructure and classification, strengthening cooperation between parties involved in clearance of relief consignment, coding systems and other international best practices.  It can also be recalled that at the request of the Liberia revenue Authority, The WCO conducted a mission in Liberia with the purpose of establishing a set of activities that would provide tailor made technical assistance and other capacity building activities that would strengthen LRA technical assistance.

Mr. Senve Darlington Tehmeh serves as the Minister-Counsellor in charge of Public Diplomacy, overseeing the promotion of tourism, facilitating academic exchanges, scholarships, and study abroad programs, managing media relations, and promoting cultural exchanges

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