FROM THE Benelux
The Embassy of Liberia to the Benelux Countries and the European Union wishes to inform All Embassies, Diplomatic/Consular Missions and the General Public that the Embassy will partially be closed from the December 23th, 2020 to January 3rd, 2020 in obervarance of the holiday season.
The Embassy wishes to inform that in cases of emergency, The Embassy can be contacted as follow:
General Activities
- Nnr+32465656065
- Nnr +32477482067
Consular Activities
Note Verbale from Diplomatic Mission (s) for the issuance of Visas will be treated on an emergency basis.
- Nnr +32465878721
- Nnr +32493279288
The Embassy of the Republic of Liberia avails itself of this opportunity to renew to All Embassies, Diplomatic Missions and the General Public the assurances of its highest consideration.